Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fun to run?

Last Sunday was the NYC marathon. Never having any skill or urge to run, I watch amazed that somebody can run 26 plus miles in under three hours. This ranks with one of my least favorite time killers in that I feel way too guilty watching an event like this. So this year I watched while jumping on my home treadmill (not to be confused by the ones I don't use at the gym). I felt somewhat involved while chugging on a 5% incline at 3 mph (whew, I almost broke a sweat after 24 minutes). I calculated I may have made it half way across the Verrazano Narrows bridge. Imagine quitting at that point?

So after the extreme treadmill experience and to justify my continued race viewing I lifted weights and convinced myself I am really cooking with those 15 lb dumb bells. Meanwhile I am watching these 122 lb skeletons run like lunatics through Brooklyn. I finished up my guilt-killing routine with 100 sit ups. Ahhhhhh, now I am ready. Somebody drape an American flag over my shoulders and put that leafy crown on my head.

What made this a little bit worse (to refer back to an earlier entry) is that we had about 80 or so Moon Pies and only 25 or so trick or treaters. So there are 50 plus of those chocolate treats in the house. I asked for them to be relocated to a needier family. I think that's been done but who knows. I looked up at the sky last night while bringing out the garbage cans and there was a FULL moon. That sight used to make me think of the opening of the old Honeymooners TV show but now it's just a floating harvest Moon Pie..!!

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