Thursday, November 5, 2009

114 wins

I just realized what a time-killing exercise it has been this year watching all those entertaining NY Yankee games. Yup, 114 wins (103 in the regular season and another 11 in the post season).. I am guessing I saw 90% of those games on TV including some of those summertime weekday games. Those were the "unemployment specials". I did make it to the new stadium for one game vs the Tampa Rays.

I was very happy to see the great outcome of the Yankees' 2009 season. They had provided a very high level of entertainment for me. SO now what?? I no longer have the comfort of tuning in 5-6 games per week and listening to the familiar voices. No more post-game wrap-up talk on TV and radio (Yankees have their own TV channel). Perhaps it's time for a break but now what??? After last night's victory I realized here is 5 months or so of alternative sports. Sure I like football but NY has 2 very average or below-average teams and jeeesh it's only once a week - usually Sunday. Plus to be honest I don't have a feel for football strategy. Well, not to the extent that they discuss on the endless pre and post-game shows.

There is basketball. I try all the time to watch the Nets and Knicks but it just doesn't hold my interest and there never seems to be any drama until the last 3 minutes - which can take up to 20 minutes in real time. I've also tried hockey and like basketball it just doesn't click. Plus I always remember my father's assessment of hockey. "Too many damn fights with refs just standing around watching".. I played some hockey as a kid but I fell through the ice once and it ruined my zippy new figure skates.. Besides what kind of doofus wears 'figure' skates to play such a manly sport?

Tomorrow there is the big Yankee parade at the Canyon of Heroes - a downtown street/area re-named for such monumental events. There have been a few great baseball celebrations including the Mets in 1969 and 1986 and a slew of Yankee parades (too numerous to detail) and the NY football Giants.. Of course there have been other events - astronauts, war heroes, Lindberg, Queen Elizabeth...

Should I stay or should I go? Should I stretch that good feeling and head downtown? I have the time..then again there is going to be a lot of public urination.. Maybe there's a good hockey game on...


  1. Football is too complicated, and there is no way to appreciate the achievement of anyone on the field other than the quarterback. How many times have you heard a freckled face kid say, "Oh Madison Hedgecock is my favorite NY Giant player. He is the best fullback ever!"

    The tangled mess that is on the field, when it is not standing around letting the clock run out, doesn't show any evidence of nuance like you get in Baseball.

    I guess there aren't alot of guys who use the word nuance who are big football fans anyway.

    If there is anything interesting about football, (to me) it's that it is very American and very unique to our culture. The uniforms look pretty cool, the cheering crowd, everyone's pumped up...

    I will stop writing now as I may use the word nuance again.

    Frasier's lost brother

  2. Now with all your free time, perhaps you could dedicate a posting to all the things you would do if you were earning $180 mil over the next eight years--even though you pulled at "A-Rod" during this year's playoffs? Just a thought. Beats watching the Giants, Jets, Knicks or Nets!
