Monday, December 17, 2012

Time Killer Redux

So I was going to start up again.. here goes..

We left the Northeast right after hurricane Irene..and since then there's been some other storms and a monumental hurricane and now an insane mass killing of little kids..I've seen and read a lot of opinions. As a matter of fact, I've seen too much. It's hard to avoid.. I knew this was super serious when the Today Show had their regular weekday reporters on duty on Saturday. I guess Matt Lauer got time and a half. CNN was running constant reports..It was the Wolf Blitzer show or as Jimmy Fallon once nicknamed him " Howitzer Blow-up Guy"..

I have rewritten part of my screen play. I learned a lot about this process. I wasn't ready for how tricky it is to sell these things.. The writing was easy compared to the process of getting the right person to read it.. I do have a decent agency helping me..They recommended all their clients attend a pitch meeting in Beverly Hills.. I was skeptical as the fee was steep and IF I went I wasn't sure I had the sales skills..I felt very much like George Costanza pitching a story about nothing, however, this WAS about something but I needed to make it timeless..

I'm a big movie fan and go at least once a week (including rentals). I have found that I pay close attention to the credits. Amazing (I hate that word) how many people it takes to get a film off the ground.. Awesome (hate that word too)...

Heading off to Florida this week..Sunscreen for the holidays....

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