Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Oh My, MRI

When does 45 minutes feel like 2 days?? When you're stuffed into an MRI tube from head to toe, nose almost touching the top, shoulders barely fitting, IV in the arm, headphones playing Beatles music and constant instructions not to move and hold your breath. When I scheduled this appointment I didn't even ask if it was an "open" MRI as I thought all were.. THIS was like being a torpedo in a WWII submarine except there was no "Fire ONE"... The woman patient before me bailed out and couldn't finish her torpedo duty --- I saw her storm out of the reception area and hoped I wasn't going to wimp out.. The tech later told me she hit the panic button.. "There's a freakin PANIC button?"

I've had both types of MRIs (0pen and closed) and the open is much better, however, this one which focused on the abdomen required me to hold my breath. No wonder the lady stormed out. I was hoping that this was a one-shot deal but I counted at least 12 episodes of "hold, hold, hold" - each about 20 seconds long which just had to damage some brain cells. By the way, the Beatle music wasn't comforting as it kept getting interrupted with the torturous directions. All those great Beatle songs' lyrics had new meanings as I struggled to maintain my composure. Not one song played in its entirety which of course distracted me. Now, I did get through this and got a very high grade from the tech who obviously was comparing me to his earlier crazy lady. I was going to ask if he saw anything I should be concerned about but I knew better since I knew he couldn't comment plus he probably learned his trade at Apex Tech. So I just waited the usual 8 days for a call - all is fine but I have no career opportunites as a torpedo.

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