Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Green thumb?

I haven't been feeling too bloggy lately.. Nothing too amusing, however, I did get involved in some new time killing activity. I always thought I'd "putter" around the yard if I was retired. So far, this puttering is equal to looking out the window after the lawn service finished their job. Ahhhh, a fine feeling of accomplishment. It takes 6 guys about 12 minutes which historically has taken me 90 minutes on my own. It's very efficient..

Today I did decide to do some extracurricular yard work. Detail work that the lawn service doesn't deal with.. shrubs, weeds, tree trimming. I alloted what I thought was a fair amount of my precious time - 2.5 hours. I threw in a garage clean up which brought it to more than 3 hours and at the end of that I felt ------ pooped...(I wonder why?) I thought IF that was my regular job I'd be in big trouble... Unless I was 30 years younger...

About 30 years ago I was working in our first quaint starter home yard. I did everything including tree trimming. Once while my mother was visiting I decided to climb a tree in our front yard equipped with a bow saw to get rid of some branches. Needless to say, I learned my lesson that this is dangerous business. I started sawing away at a medium size branch when it snapped and kicked back and hit me in the face. I was lucky (I guess) as it put a hole in my cheek. My mother and wife were at the rescue with the cotton balls and peroxide. The best part is the get-well card from my good friend Don who captured the moment perfectly with his unique style of illustration. That image of the branch implanted into my cheek reminds me to stay within my yard-working comfort zone (on the deck with a vodka tonic)..

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