Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bridge Bats

So that earlier reference to Bats needed an explanation. This was a very unique way to kill some time while in Austin, TX. To clarify, we watched nearly one million bats swarm from underneath a local bridge at dusk. They found this under-bridge's perfect crevices the ideal nesting place during the daylight hours. So at around dusk these wacky flying mammals start leaving their nests to start their evening's festivities - whatever the hell that is..

There were a number of boats cruising around this bridge - party boats and private boats. Additionally, there were quite a few people hanging over the bridge. We were in a boat with about 25 people and after the majority of bats were airborne you could smell their waste matter (guava?) and you had to be careful not to be a target.. some of us got hit. It wasn't exactly seagull quality so it was tolerable. Overall it was eerie watching the swarms haul ass down the river and have strange flocking shapes. It looked like brown sprinkles on a blue ice cream cone in a psychotic design.

Overall it was a very unique experience.. very National Geographic..After the thrill wore off I focused on the two drunk guys in a kayak who intentionally smashed into two other guys in a bass boat...It was a side show that never fully developed..I went back to smelling bat shit..

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to see the bats... I saw them pour out of Carlsbad Cavern by the millions once and never forgot the site. I'm headed to Vegas for the weekend so should have stories to tell upon my return... closing in on International Man of Mystery job status... can't wait to see you guys in June!
