Monday, April 20, 2009

Jet Blue - the RIDE

Here is a follow up to "Let's Travel"... so after the successful 3 days which included great food, great friends, great margaritas and about 1.2 million bats, we returned home. Again, the weather played a big role. Our noon flight was delayed leaving an hour (not bad considering) however we were warned we could be delayed getting into NY by up to 4 hours..Ahhhhhh, a real soothing feeling as the gate waiting area was standing room only. The tension was evident. I was in my best zen airport mood aided by crossword puzzles and mentos.

On Friday we were very lucky to get into our destination (Austin, TX) since there were major storms and this night (Monday) it was similar. As we got closer to the Northeast you could feel the benign bumping - not that noticeable but you just knew it was going to increase (play the Jaws theme).."we need a bigger plane, right?".. Our approach into JFK was about 30 minutes and the last 15 minutes was like some psychotic ride at Six Flags Over Transylvania (bat reference to be discussed in the near future)..Talk about tension - I swear I smelled vomit which added to my growing nausea. We lived and enjoyed listening to the cell phone calls as we taxied to the gate .. all complaints.. everyone, however, said a nice friendly farewell the the pilot who stood at the cockpit door saying his goodbyes..All I could think was -- god, you gotta do this crap every day??

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