Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where's Tiger?

OK, this is a new dimension in time killing - watching early rounds of the Masters Golf.. GOLF?? I didn't realize I had the golf channel until this week. Honestly, if there was some good baseball on that would have gotten my attention. Also, I'm a fair-weather golf fan. I want to see Tiger and Phil duke it out on Sunday afternoon so this viewing experience is new for me.

The announcers seem to have either an Ausie or New Zealand accent. I say New Zealand because they sound much like those guys on HBO's Flight of the Concords which has nothing to do with this post or golf. The names of these top 7 or 9 contenders are not familiar to me .. ... Shingo Katiyama, Angel Cabrera (doesn't he play baseball?), Chad Campbell or Kenny Perry? What ever happened to Davis Love III? He grew up with that name??

Golf is OK.. I wish I could play better or at all.. I always remember a bit Robert Klein did mimicking one of those whispering announcer types -- "That took COURAGE on the 14th hole, Byron. You don't see that everyday!"

I think it takes Courage to wear that hideous green jacket..

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