Friday, April 24, 2009

The Season Begins

I've made reference to playing softball - traditionally a very nice way to kill time. Without a job in the way, it's very easy to make the games and not have to worry about staying out too late. Last night was our season's opener. I guess I've been playing almost 20 years in this league and before that other leagues including little league, etc..

I was never great but good enough to be in the game and not embarrass myself. I always enjoyed the game but as time marches on I am beginning to have doubts..I am usually the oldest or one of the oldest guys on the field. I think the first time I thought of retiring was when I got thrown out after hitting to the right fielder.. I am having trouble running bases..I keep hinting that I may be done playing but it doesn't sink in with anyone..Last night I didn't wear spikes which I figured was a sign that I'd coach or cheerlead.. No such luck, we were short-handed and I played my usual position - 1st base..I usually do OK there. This time I was shakey.. made a few plays and botched a few including an easy pop up. Maybe it was first-game-itis? Not wearing spikes didn't help by the way - I had a hit to left field and fell flat on my face running to first...A hush fell over the crowd.. I think I heard someone murmur "he needs to take golf lessons"...

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