Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let's build something together

I guess the ultimate Time Killer these days would be shopping - not grocery shopping, real consuming. As you recall I did go to a mall last month and bought some sneakers. That took a total of about 20 minutes so I need to work on spending time on that.

I realized I will need some materials from the home supply store. Even though I have a lawn service now there are some outdoor chores I almost enjoy - plus it's a good workout (ha)..So instead of getting in the car and going to Lowes or Home Depot, I've attacked the project like all other shopping - on line. I found everything I needed. Retail web sites are really shophisticated (new word). You can get a good amount of info by reading the links and you can make your decision without being IN the store dodging the displays OR having to climb one of the many scaffoldings clogging up most aisles.. I put everything in my electronic shopping cart but didn't pull the trigger on the sale.. Looks like an outing is in the near future..I will be going to the local home center (not sure which one) but I've calculated minimal crowd time, best pricing, easiest access and of course which store has the best "forklift in reverse" warning sounds beeeeeeep, beeeeeeeep, beeeeeeeep...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I have found the joy of shopping without moving from one spot. However, women MUST go to the store once in awhile as it is our birthright to actually feel the fabric and go through the agony of NOT fitting into pants. And on another subject, how funny was the 30 Rock Laying Employees off episode? I've got Trix up my sleeve too!
