Friday, May 7, 2010

Damn the torpedos

This time last year I was ranting about an MRI I had. I truly felt like a torpedo in a WWII submarine movie. Packed in a tube like a sardine with about 1/4 inch of clearance on the top. Well, it's that time again. Another MRI is scheduled in a day or two. Maybe this one will be better since there's no IV. It's a Time Killing low point, however.. You just can't wait till it's over. They make you hold your breath, lay awkwardly and not move. It's like being in a Nazi prison camp.. I will be reporting on this experience in the next TK entry.

Again, this time last year I had to report to the unemployment office (conveniently located in a crappy neighborhood with almost no parking)..Had to do that again this week. If you recall last year's entry, the group meeting leader used the phrase "with that said" about 50 times. It kept me amused and added to the Time Killing amusement factor (TKAF). I was hoping he'd be leading this meeting but we had two very young rookies addressing a much larger group this time. There were no "with that said" comments. These two did their best and limited questions (thank GOD) Otherwise, we would have been there for 3 hours instead of one. Overall, I can't really complain.

The highlight of this trip was that my ten-year-old car was still there on the street when I returned, parked illegally with a broken parking meter --- with that said, there was a Time Killing amusement factor TKAF!!!!

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