Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blogged down

Haven't made many entries lately and I have no good reason for that except I have other writing projects - OK, ONE project on which I am making progress. At least writing isn't affected by any physical maladies. (I won't get specific but there will be more info soon)...

My newest Time Killer this season is doing my own yard work. I had a yard/lawn service for a couple of years and decided I could save some money and get some exercise if I do it myself. I used to see the service show up every Wednesday and bombard the yard and have it completely in order in under ten minutes...They had large, loud commercial grade machines and at least five workers .. I had mixed feelings but always felt good when it was done.. Now, when I do it myself it takes me about 90 minutes and I learned to take a mid-project break (I never used to have to do that).. My only enemy is heat - if it's 70 or below I can groove..Above 70 and I need to take halftime - without the entertainment. This also eliminates the need to go to the gym for that day. The lawn workout is way more intense.

Also, softball season has started and we had our first game this week. I have established myself as a non-playing coach which I am better suited for.. I played on this team for 20 years or so and had a great time. We now have many young players (sons of the elders) who have kept us competitive. We won the league last year. It had to be my edgy coaching. "Slide, tag up, go halfway, come back, dive, dive, ONE"..

Had a weekend Time Killing event as three friends and I went to Southern Maine last weekend. We do this all the time. Three of four of us are "retired".. Am I RETIRED?? We had a good time, as usual, and compared notes on our new lifestyles (very similar I may add)..

Finishing up some of our home bathroom, new oil tank, power washed house and deck, stained deck, new ceiling fan, new driveway....blaaaaa.. OK, the irony is let's get our house just the way we want it and MOVE!!!!!

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