Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chain gang

I started physical therapy for a nagging shoulder problem. I guess that's a better alternative than surgery. I had surgery on my other shoulder eight years ago and it's been OK ever since. Going to PT is much like going to the gym except there's somebody riding your ass a couple of times a week. It is a legit Time Killer and hopefully there will be some good results.

I seem to be in the minority in this rehab hospital setting. There are mostly older and more serious ailments. There's mostly leg and cardiac types. You can tell by their workouts and by the monitors they have hanging off them - sometimes they beep. I think they must look at me and think "wimpy shoulder problem boy"..My exercises are moderate I guess and so far I'm not sure if they're helping..They do make me sore but maybe that's good? The best part is the ice pack at the end. I feel like a relief pitcher.

Today as I was doing my wimpy workout in a vacated corner of the place, in paraded a bunch of prisoners. These guys were all chained together at the waist and the ankles and hands. There were two guards for each jail bird. I was staring but trying not to be obvious and also trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Obviously, prisoners/convicts need physical therapy too.. I asked my therapist what up with that? She said in a whisper they get some of these guys who mainly have jail-induced injuries such as knife and gunshot wounds. I tried to look tough but they won that contest. I was glad the "screws" were on board to protect me as I did my up and down pulley routine. I was wondering how tough I'd look in the prison yard pulling my rubber strap behind my back.

I wondered too what kind of coverage these guys had. CHMO - convict's health maintenance organization? Maybe they just try and get hurt so they can have a day trip to look forward to. I bet their coverage is better than mine. Mine kinda blows -- maybe I should get arrested!?

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