Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thanks, Ted

I know I've mentioned some of my best Time Killing has involved TV watching - mostly sports and movies. I wonder what that does for me? Has it enriched my life? One thing I've noticed is that there are a load of classic movies I've only heard about but never really watched. That is until I found the Turner Classic Movies channel. There are other movie outlets like American Movie Classics but it's not as good as Ted's commercial-free channel which also has some very interesting mini-documentaries and background info in between shows.

I really enjoy movies and get to real theater(s) a few times a month plus I get a few disks a week via Netflix. I'm careful to be selective when going OUT to the movie theater so I bet I enjoy about 80-90% of those shows. Netflix is more like 50%. What I have noticed is that there were certain eras that the TCM channel follows and for some reason I found that the movies of the 1940s seem to be the most interesting - many I've heard of but never watched. I can recall my parents talking about many of the actors. I guess the 40s was fertile ground with that crazy world war going on..The good movies are not necessarily war-related. The landscape and scenery does look like many old pictures my parents had. Those Andrew Sister hair-dos and everyone seems to be dressed up in double-breasted suits, ties and fedoras. I guess jeans weren't invented or reserved for the cowboys in the Westerns (didn't care much for Westerns).. I also noticed that everyone was dressed up at sporting events - when did this change??? I know the last time I went to church it was like revisiting Woodstock - minus the mud.


  1. I've often wondered about that... people wearing suits and fancy dresses to sporting events and such. Was the weather milder back in the day? Were the seats more comfortable? Can't imagine going to a Packers game in January wearing a suit.

    Do you suppose they were so formal because they didn't get out much? Or did they dress like that everywhere they went? I, for one, am glad that we're more casual now. Heck, I actually considered running out to the convenience store the other day in my new Spiderman pajama pants. Ok, so maybe that is TOO casual, but would it really be so bad??

  2. Not sure why the dress was so formal. I guess it was just cultural..Spiderman PJs sound fine to me...
