Monday, December 7, 2009

EXTREME Time Killing

I started this journey and Time Killing blog during the winter last February..The Super Bowl had just been played and we entered the vast wasteland of bland sports, crappy weather and cabin fever. It's truly a different feel this time of year. As a kid, winter felt interesting with the school closings, sledding, long school breaks and the holidays.. Those "holidays" now start wayyyyyyy too early. The hype starts somewhere around Halloween. Again, as a kid I don't remember feeling the holiday hype until well into December. This has to be the evolution of marketing. I'm glad I left that field.

So looking out the window and not being able to see the faded lawn which is now covered by snow, I am preparing myself for round 2 of time killing. This week is particularly challenging since I am all alone. My wife is in Florida so I don't get to see her for 8 days. I was thinking that I was going to have a Jack Nicholson in the "Shining" moment but I think I have better control. Plus, Jack didn't have 800 channels of HD, flat panel TV to keep him occupied. I try to limit my TV watching (some would dispute that as I was caught watching the game show network at 3pm). Hey, it was the Match Game PM championship from 1977. That Gene Rayburn was smooth.

So here I go into unchartered time killing territory with best intentions. I always like to feel I have accomplished something - even if it's minor. For example, today I am supposed to hear from the refrigerator repair man who was contacted this weekend to see if he could settle our latest need. (something is always broken). Our trendy, stainless steel refrigerator has been running too cold. I'd say averaging in the high 20s and maybe up to the low 30s. At first I thought OK, not a big deal. The mountains on the Coors bottles turn blue much quicker but as time wore on, the milk, soda and salad dressing all got lumpy from freezing. I opened the vegetable crisper this morning and I can see now how ICEBERG lettuce got its name!!!!

Here's Johnnnnnnny!!!

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