Monday, December 21, 2009

After the storm

So the storm landed - almost on time I have to say. I gassed up the snow blower and the cars and bought an extra loaf of Wonder bread. This way we could hunker down and kill time eating toast while the world ended (it's not even 2012 yet). The TV bulletin interruptions never stopped and even the national news shows had their top stories as the weather.

It was predicted that we would get a foot or so and there would be high winds, low temps, no visibility. I kept our local shmocal news on figuring that would be more exact. We got about 3-4 inches and luckily the wind was minimal. We felt lucky even though the town seemed to be shut down on that Sunday. I went out to the local gas station/mart to get newspapers (they did run out of bread). There was nobody there except the clerk and hardly a car on the completely cleared road.

I have to say areas south of us (Long Island) did get two feet and it did shut down the place and today the trains are all delayed..(delayed Long Island Railroad trains are a common theme in my nightmares)..My feet get cold just thinking about it.

No sooner did the threat of STORM 2009 subside that we had to brace ourselves for the big (maybe not so big) Christmas day storm to land this Friday. I wonder how this is going to be marketed? Have they named it yet? Can they recycle the Home Depot footage? Will the main weather people have to work on Christmas day?? Can they re-run the interviews of the plow drivers? Will they make Santa's sleigh and Rudolph jokes? AND my biggest concern - will there be enough white bread?

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