Friday, July 16, 2010

The UNreal World

It's summer time (and the livin ain't so easy)..sorry..Summer time also equals re-runs on TV. I have to admit, TV does play a big part in the world of Time Killing. One of my indulgences was the daily rerun of the Sopranos at 8 am. I felt ready for the day after watching. I got in the habit and it was automatic until the station (A&E) changed their schedule. They have a zillion crime/cop reality shows. I've never watched a whole hour episode. They may be good. I just didn't kill any time watching.

Plugged into the Sopranos 8 am time slot was the "reality" show, Family Jewels. I stumbled on to that while looking for Tony and Carmella eating cereal in their kitchen. And what did I get? Gene Simmons, the star of Family Jewels and the front man for one of the dullest, inane rock bands, KISS. Yes KISS, not to be confused with Insane Clown Posse. Both groups have very good make up but Kiss has the longest tongues. Gene Simmons has a very long tongue and shows it off as if it's worth seeing.

Simmons and the cast includes his porno actress wife Shannon Tweed and their 2 kids going about their crazy rock n roll life. Here's the hitch. It seems scripted, fake, phony, pre planned, set up, produced and basically uninteresting and unfunny. You have to think about the Osbourne reality show which at least seems somewhat real and unfortunately now off the air. There are many reality shows that actually seem real. The lady with the 8 kids, the many little people shows, kid beauty pageants and the very queasy Hoarders.. ugh..

Was just watching the British Open from Scotland. Tiger Woods was doing ok and so were a bunch of guys I don't know. I'm not much of a golf fan unless there's some great drama. Want some great drama? How about John Daly, the wacky, bigger than life big hitter from Arkansas who had to overcome weight and alcohol problems. He's in the top 10 of this event. Now, he actually had HIS own reality show "Being John Daly". I think 11 people saw this. I was one of them. I'd like to see him win this major. Go down to the 18th hole on Sunday. Be neck and neck with Tiger. He'd be wearing his pink paisley pants and a lime green cap. Drinking a diet Coke and a Marlboro hanging from his mouth. That's Reality. No tongues please!!

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