Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Poker Haunt Us

For the past few months I've been involved - well maybe not involved - in an indirect time killing activity. My wife has been playing on-line poker and doing very well. I think the success plus her affinity for games has been a legitimate draw for her. I never play for many reasons. Mainly, I am a shitty player. While in the service I tried to play as a time killing past time and never did well. I think it's an 'attention span' issue. My mind drifts when I should be figuring what cards the others have. We didn't play games as a family when I was growing up. My wife did play. Maybe that's the difference and maybe that's the reason she (and her brother) have amassed a 7-figure amount in make-believe money. I've gotten post-game updates where I've heard about winning pots of thousands and think what IF this was real stuff?

Sometimes she plays (on the computer) while talking to her brother on the phone who is playing at the same table. He's been her mentor and increased her interest and skills. I should thank him for that since it allows me to pursue one of my favorite time killing activities - watching baseball. I think the average time of a baseball game and the average time of a poker game is about equal - 3 hours or so. It's worked out pretty well I think. (The Cardinals are killing the Mets and the Yankees are in a rain delay as I type)..

This week I am alone as my wife is visiting her mother. Her brother is there too so I am sure there is some on-line gambling taking place. I thought of making up a screen name and logging on to secretly play along with them. I scrapped that idea. It's a long way to go for a gag. Plus I remembered a key event I had at a blackjack table at Foxwoods. I hit on a 15 (idiot). I got an 8 and the guy next to me -drunk and huge- had a 13 showing and told his girlfriend. "Jesus, that was MY card and that grey-haired guy took it"...I looked around for a grey-haired guy. Couldn't find one until I found a mirror....

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