Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Global frying

I just realized it's not a good day when the temperature exceeds the increase in the Dow. The button on my computer (which shows both in the same screen) has the air temp at 101 and the Dow is down 15. I hate this button. I can't see the temp now without getting queasy about the DJIA. How sick I am of following this economic crap. I think it's time to cash in and stuff the money under a couch cushion..

Unrelated but equally stupid? The Queen of England is being paraded around NYC today and they say it's 103. This is a woman from the UK where the temperature probably averages 72 in July. She is currently addressing the UN and I swear it's like a Monty Python skit. Looks like Michael Palin dressed up in my grandmother's winter clothes. And little did she know she'd be walking across ground where her shoe heels would be sinking into the asphalt. You can imagine her mumbling - "Get me the F outta here Jeeves...and I mean NOW".... Does she fly commercial I wonder? Big story this morning is the royal family is running out of money. They can't fix the roof on Buckingham Palace --- Maybe we need a fund raiser - QueenAid.. We can throw a few bucks to Fergie too...

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