Monday, January 4, 2010


Wasn't 2010 a movie follow up to Kubrick's 2oo1?? I guess I could have confirmed that before writing it but that's one of the joys of this - just being lazy while killing time. Maybe I should write more about movies.. I am seeing more movies than ever - on TV and the theater. I always had a goal to see all the Oscar-nominated films before the big awards show. It makes it more interesting and now I don't have to worry about getting up for work the day after. So maybe I'll make that a new year's resolution (or revolution as one of my childhood friends used to call it)..

It's been almost a year since I "stopped working".. that is one of my many characterizations of my status. Depending on who I am talking to that can be - unemployed, retired, relaxing, job hunting (ha), disabled, house husband, time-killing. I don't feel comfortable with any of these really. Maybe I should call myself a blogger - but then I'd be one of a zillion dingle berries writing like this. I never have Twittered but I do have a Facebook account and I'm just not that into it. I do get a stray comment on my blog but not always in the comment section. I may get a phone call now and then OR an aol/gmail e mail. I've had some good feedback and some fair criticism. I have tried to keep my blog entries reader-friendly for those (like me) who have limited attention spans. I cringe when I see a 12-paragraph e mail..It's like reading a 5,000 word review in the Sunday Times.. I always feel guilty when I give up and blame it on blurry vision.

So it IS a new year and I am more likely to be house-bound while killing time and that is far less entertaining in winter. I am a bit of a nut and focus in on stupid things like house noises when it's 9 degrees outside. The walls creak, the boiler kicks, the wind howls and sometimes the power goes out. On New Year's day we had a refrigerator leak that hit our kitchen and seeped into the downstairs. Luckily we avoided real damage and just need a new ice maker. This will make about $600 spent on this piece of shit GE product.

So as we see each day getting colder and more slippery we are now thinking of moving south. Winter is now becoming more than an inconvenience. It's adding to my hermit status - which I don't need and now with football almost over there's nothing entertaining except for reality TV shows... You have Idol, Top Chefs, Iron Chefs, Survivor, Amazing Race, Project Runway, Dancing with stars, Dancing with non stars, people with 16 kids, people with 8 kids, dwarfs, dwarfs who make candy, mermaid babies, kids with giant heads, the 450 lb virgin (how odd)...God, get me outta this friggin coldness.

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