Monday, January 18, 2010

Our top story

I watched the Golden Globes this weekend. I can't remember ever watching the whole thing but in the spirit of time killing I tried to see the entire show. I was thinking it's like being a NASCAR fan as you are just waiting for a wreck. Unlike the Oscars, these awards allow the attendees to drink so as the show goes on there's more of a chance of someone having a meltdown. There was no meltdown (that I saw) except someone stepping on someone's gown (I know her name but I'm too lazy to look up the spelling). Chloi Sivigney????? That woman who is in that show about Mormons and polygamy - a real crowd pleaser.

I see a lot of movies so I had an interest in who won. This show includes TV too but there are many shows I've never seen (Dexter).. I was wondering how the media would handle this award show news but I did forget there were other things happening in the world. (Football playoffs, economy, failing-bank updates??) Oh yeah - Haiti. What a mess.

I notice the Today Show takes a similar angle on much of their daily reporting. Their preference always seems to be highlighting the "missing". There are always missing kids (usually in Florida) and they get the parents, uncles, aunts, neighbors to agree to an interview on their front lawn at 7 30 in the morning. It's always the same questions that never seem to help to resolve the problem. They took the same angle with this Haiti disaster as they rounded up a bunch of family of college students who were missing in a collapsed hotel. Very hard to watch as Meredith Viera was wondering who to blame for the lack of info and results. One of these students is from our town. It doesn't look good.

My grandmother used to travel all over the place years ago and always brought me back trinkets. One of the most memorable was a straw hat with the name Haiti weaved into the front. I can remember not having the slightest idea what it meant or what it was - I am guessing I was about 7 years old. It hung on my wall for a long time. I guess I could have asked or looked it up. My son sent me a video clip of a cruise we went on which stopped at Haiti. I can remember how hot it was there and that there were fires burning you could see from the shore. I wonder where my grandmother went when she was there? I should have asked AND I should have asked about this confusing pennant she got me from another trip -- it said Winnipeg. Years later I checked a map...

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