Friday, October 9, 2009

News flash - moon dud kills time

I was sure to be watching the TV at 7 30 am today because there was a week long hypefest about this rocket crashing into the moon. This was to churn up traces of matter including water to further investigate just what the hell we got up there. I figured (as the Today Show did) this was going to be a Grucci-like display of sparks, dust and cool plumes broadcast LIVE. After all, 40 years ago we watched those moon-walking Apollo astronauts jumping off the ladder, riding in the golf cart and posting the American flag. It just wasn't must-see TV today. There was nothing to see

It seems, however, that the mission is on target and results of the blast should be available soon. Unfortunately it did knock the news of Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize off the front page (for a moment). The most positive result I can see is there was no Letterman updates today but there IS a picture of him on a major magazine cover without his pants on. One small step for man...

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    I had hoped the moon deal would be more exciting too... once again, NASA has screwed up their PR.
    And the shot of Letterman on the cover of Entertainment Weekly is some of the best spin PR in a long time!

    Your fiend,

