Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Twit wit

When I worked and killed time at a corporate desk it was important that I knew what was going on in technology - it was a focal point of my job. I think I did OK considering I was an outcast Mac user in a company with 98% pcs and their dreaded windows operating system. There were many times where my outcast Mac-user group had to adapt to a windows world. Most times we were compatible but there were some glitches. From what I hear they are still suffering from incompatibility.

It remains important to stay current (I think) with software, hardware and technology. It's easy for people my age to become a dinosaur or a technology-fearing Luddite. I still have to use my former company's interfaces to get info, register for benefits, get my many, many PINs & communicate with them. I've had some glitches and worked them out on my own keeping me from the dinosaur cage. So I feel like I keep current, email, blog and most recently - twitter...

I have to admit as I read many twitter logs, I had trouble following the thread. Most of those twitter tweeters are folks a bit younger so I figured I was just out of it.. The same way I feel out of it when I watch the Today Show and the musical guest may as well be from Mars as far as I know - and they have thousands of fans crammed into the plaza. So I discovered that I wasn't that twitter ignorant. It turns out as I read this one log that the "greyed out" link was actually a connected link to the topic at hand.. AHHHHH, I found the Rosetta Stone and this finally makes sense..Greyed out type (to me) was always a dead end - I stand corrected

I've been bombarded in the past months with Face book requests. I registered and accepted many a "friend". It's pretty simple to follow but I have very little interest but I seem to have a lot of friends which I guess is good. Some of them twitter...

So now that I have twitter figured out, the question is should I participate and let the world know about my time-killing exploits every half hour?? Let me think about that - I DID just buy a toilet auger today and I could give progress reports on its efficiency!? Stay tuned...

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