Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Full moon pie

So Halloween is now a few days away. I guess that's the start of the holiday season and for me in my time-killing mode it's a new experience. Not much to do for Halloween except buy some candy and make sure you're at the house to answer the door. That really kills the evening. You do have to keep an eye on the property to be sure no vandalism is taking place. As kids we never did much destruction as long as we got a response and some candy. Our neighborhood here is pretty tame. We lost one or two mailboxes in the 20 years we've been here. I always kept an extra on hand.

Being home now, it's important NOT to stock up on any candy which would be too accessible. Since I'm the food shopper I have held off on getting the candy so I am safe and willpower is not an issue. Well, that's what I thought. Somebody else who shall remain nameless purchased a bucket of MOON pies. Yes, the original marshmallow and cracker combo with chocolate covering which became an evil treat when I lived in the south. The northern version of the Moon Pie was a Scooter Pie which didn't compare to the original. The Moon Pie is like an industrial strength Mallomar. This bucket full are the mini size but still a decent size snack. So what does all this mean?

It's Operation HIDE the MOON PIES.. I am not sure where they are. Usually we get candy that I don't like such as Starbursts, Skittles and licorice. I am not going to look for these Moon Pies but I would like to save a few for Thanksgiving dessert.

1 comment:

  1. You've lost one or two mailboxes in 20 years in the entire neighborhood and you keep a spare on hand just in case?? Got a spare weather vane in your garage that I could borrow?
