Wednesday, September 16, 2009

blog a palooza

Did some time killing exploring of other blogs. It's a real test of my attention span which is why I try to target mine for those who don't want to be reading these damn things for 28 minutes. They start to remind one of those whacked out, tedious holiday newsletters we all get. If you're going to write something make it brief and interesting - there goes my book proposal.. And, while I am at it, please don't forward any more idiotic jokes. I find one in ten amusing - never enough to re-forward. Also never assume that your political, religious or sociological stand is shared by everyone. The odds are you are offending somebody..

I took a look at some blogs I'd heard about - including one from a former co-worker. It was too "officey". Not like the TV show but just like ....'what do you say to your boss when.....' Probably make some good greeting card fodder. I wish I had gotten in on the ground floor of that greeting card business. I think it's too late now.

There are endless topics which are being blogged about. I just wonder if there are enough readers. I don't know how many readers I have - I personally know most of them. They don't always comment in the "comments" area but usually send me an e mail or make a phone call. I guess I should promote my blog but I'm not sure how. Perhaps I should start addressing some controversial topics? Not my style. I guess I hope for somebody to read one of my 80 plus entries and direct me to write a pilot OR maybe a short column in the Pennysaver...

My favorite blog is being written by somebody I know very well (my son). His photo blog has been highlighting the many New York City neighborhoods. He features one every weekday and has exclusive photos and nicely formed text. I learned more about NYC sitting reading this than I did working there for 35 years (then again I never left the building unless there was an evacuation)...I make it a point to check it out everyday.. If you have any interest, here's the URL -

And, if you know anyone who wants to develop a TV pilot be sure to let me know.. I just can't see myself working at Home Depot.. I look lousy in orange...

1 comment:

  1. I don't think either you or I would "look good in orange!" I'm following your track and doing some medical tests on my bionics --- lower intestinal wiring and pvc pipe plumbing evaluation Monday and Tuesday. I'm ready if someone offers us a TV pilot gig... my current gig may be running out.. I've even been asked to help work on the merger negotiations! I'll keep you posted.

    Your fiend and fellow time killer
