Friday, September 4, 2009

Survey says!!

As part of my continuing time killing quest I just discovered that one of my 850 cable channels is a game show channel. I guess I always knew it was there but I never watched it. Mostly it's a bunch of old games shows - Password, Pyramid, Match Game. They seem to have been taped somewhere between the 70s and maybe 80s. You can usually tell from the fashion styles and the set design. Lots of browns and oranges. You can also tell the time line by what kind of prize money is available. These days people can win way more on Jeopardy, Survivor and Amazing Race but you have to be willing to risk your life or embarrass the hell out of yourself with a one in fifteen chance of winning, however, one million seems to be worth it to the contestant.

Of all the old shows the one that stands out as the weirdest (to me) is Family Feud - the original one with Richard Dawson. Richard, as you recall, was known for his role on Hogan's Heroes. I think his name was Newkirk and he was very British. On the Feud he was known for his cutting comments, his expressions but most of all for his kissing of all female contestants. NO woman escapes his smooching. You don't see that on any of the newer version of this show. There's been a bunch of hosts since Dawson and none of them kiss. Ray Combs didn't kiss - but he did kill himself; That gray haired Peterman guy from Seinfeld was pretty normal and the other guy Richard Karn from Home Improvement. No kissing allowed.

What stood out to me on the original Feud was the amount of money the family of 5 can win. Usually it was $5,000 and when they won they reacted like they were on drugs - went crazy, fanatical, jumping, yelping, hooting and hollering. Let's sort through this. That's 5 people or $1,000 each after taxes maybe $750 or less per person. Maybe they get extra if they act like idiots? Sort of like the current Jerry Springer guests who - I am convinced - get paid for fighting and ripping off their clothes and spitting out their dentures.

There are other shows that have equally smallish dollar amounts. The Match Game was kinda cheap and looks to have been shot in the 70s (or earlier?). And this show and others had celebrities I never heard of. Maybe I knew them 40 years ago from their episodes of The Love Boat. There is one connection, however, the most popular celeb guest on The Match Game was Richard Dawson ------ LOOK OUT - he's puckering!!!!!!!!

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