Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back to Bahrain

Doesn't that title sound like a good movie name? I always remember "Back to Bataan" - a cool war movie - was on every damn Sunday of my childhood. It was gritty and entertaining. So what am I talking about? Read on.

Bahrain is an island in the Persian gulf.. I guess it's a country or a Sheikdom or something. I was sent there by the US Navy to serve out my final 12 months of my 4-year tour. I had to go to the library to look it up when I got the orders. I never heard of it. Its location and background were scary AND this was really all before the term Persian Gulf (or Desert Storm) had such a negative connotation. I was assigned to serve on the USS LaSalle, the command ship of the Commander of Middle East Forces. The ship was painted white (not grey) to reflect the incredible desert heat. The summer had temps frequently above 100 and sailors were allowed to wear shorts and T shirts. It was like an episode of McHale's Navy.

My latest time-killing experience is to be here at home alone for 10 days. That's a record for solo time even though I have had many days by myself so I am well trained. Why am I doing solo time? My wife (and her mother) left on a long-planned trip to Bahrain yesterday. My wife's dad was a US Navy officer who was also stationed in Bahrain. He moved the whole family over there in the early 70s and lived for 3 years in an apartment near the base. Her dad also had quarters on the ship and went on many cruises in his 3 years. My wife and her brother attended an International high school on the island. She has attended a number of reunions for that school. I joined her at one of the reunions and we won the award for longest-married couple. I should mention we met in Bahrain and had a very atypical courtship - Indian movies, HOT food and a rented Datsun B210. Most recently she and I attended a reunion for the ship and we are scheduled to attend another this year. Living there had a profound influence on my wife's family and yesterday they left out of Kennedy Airport for London and then to Bahrain. The trip of a life time...

It reminded me of one of those re-visits to Vietnam where those vets get to see that country in a different light and see a WalMart where a rice paddy used to be. My wife and her mother are well prepared for this adventure. They spent months planning and even though their airline - British Airways - went on strike a week before their trip, they managed to get on a re-scheduled flight and were upgraded to some kind of upper-class service with foot rests, free booze, butlers and fuzzy slippers. I thought that was a good sign that this trip would go well..

This is only day 2 of the adventure so I don't have much detail and I don't know if it will come pouring in as cell phone and Internet costs are a touch high ($3 bucks per minute). I guess I will hear about it when they return..I did have an idea which is now too late.. This could have made a good documentary.. It has all the elements - historical, emotional, sentimental, educational - a true human interest tale. Just have to get someone to produce and film that..I'm too busy killing time here and after all I AM writing a screen play - the laff-a-minute story of a downsized 60-year old who loses his job as a result of the economic collapse. The working title is "Now What?" Look for it in theaters in about 4 years...I may have to update that theme and throw in some cutting health care yuks - "Hey, let's have another colonoscopy"...

1 comment:

  1. Their trip will be marvelous. I just wonder how much Bahrain has changed in the last 35 years. I can't wait to hear the stories.
    Little Jimmy D
