Sunday, January 10, 2010

Glitch Bitch

Stuff breaks.. Stuff breaks or glitches all the time. Who cares? I guess I do when it takes up my valuable time. It seems that you fix one thing and there's something else broken to take its place. I like when things are in order and work correctly. Sometimes I can contribute to the correction and then there's the NEED for professional help. I have a thing about getting that "help"...I don't really want to wait for some tech to show up, enter the house and attack the problem while small talking about the snow. (the latest was the ice maker which requires another visit this week)...That problem has been diagnosed and I have it mentally corrected.. BUT there are gremlins just waiting..

The issues sound trivial but after all isn't that the basis of this blog?? Most of these fixes are garden variety, no big deal just get it done and shut-up projects..I know this. Today my car had trouble starting so I was housebound (poor me -- I had to watch football rather than go to the gym). The car will have to go IN probably the day the ice maker guy shows up and hopefully not the same day the carpenter and plumber come by to assess our bathroom fix... OK, maybe not a fix but a re-model that has been in the planning stages..I'm bracing for the dust cloud BUT longing for a industrial strength flushing toilet... yeeeeeeehaaaaaaa

I spent about 30 minutes tonight trying to correct a problem with my cable DVR - I won't get specific but those damn things are temperamental as hell.. don't EVER hit the wrong button or you will wind up recording 13 episodes of Hoarders while no other channel is accessible. I said screw it and shut it down hoping the cable elves would go to work overnight.. I decided to just work at my desk and pay a bunch of bills. I've paid my bills on line for a long time and it's very convenient and efficient. I always feel good about not having to write out checks. Today for the first time ever I logged in and my trusty Bank of America's site was DOWN.. Oy, do I even HAVE any paper checks?? Ok, I can hear my critics (it's temporary!!) I know but I need inspiration for writing...

Speaking of inspiration, take a look at a friend's new blog/site for aspiring writers:

This will be my guiding light for my upcoming screenplay/movie "What the hell do I do now??"

1 comment:

  1. And isn't funny how things breaking seems to happen in groups? I suppose it's better to have things break while you're already annoyed than to have things breaking steadily throughout the year.
