Friday, November 6, 2009

Rap it up

OK.. I have to admit I did watch a bunch of the Yankee celebration parade. Most of the attendees were about 18 thru 26 and did their share of screaming "Yankeeeees, number ONE, baby"..It was easier to watch on TV than to mix it up with the estimated one million fans and swirling paper.

The highlight for me was the parade end at City Hall where the Mayor gave keys to the city to all the players, workers, owners, announcers, trainers, etc. All that was OK but the best part was when they were done they introduced rapper Jay Z (however you spell that). I thought he was going to get a key but I was wrong. The music kicked in and he started what they said is the new NYC anthem "Empire State of Mind"..(did somebody alert Billy Joel?)..The tune is mostly Jay Z rapping which was OK. He had a female singer who added to it. Not to sound too just didn't seem to fit the occasion (OK, maybe that's just me).

Many of the players were moving to the tune but the best part were the front rows where the many Steinbrenner family members were doing their best to get in the groove. There were at least 3 middle-aged women with astronaut-wife hair dos who were just waiting for the music to stop. I swear I saw rolling eyeballs. Mayor Bloomberg looked a bit out of place too. And I think the director had a sense of humor because he kept showing these non hip-hop types. It was must see TV..

I am wondering if it IS the new anthem and it's played at the end of every game if Jay Z can change the opening lyrics to "Start spreading the newwwwwwwwws"? I can't picture Frank Sinatra singing this with a hoodie sweatshirt ...

1 comment:

  1. Funny stuff! I've been thinking about your and your Yankees the last few days! Congrats on the win!
