Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Whiteline fever

Just completed the ultimate time killing by going away for a week and completely changing all my current daily habits for that time period. Took a drive from here (NY) to Virginia and North Carolina and learned some things in that week:

You know you are somewhat retired when you are eating at a Cracker Barrel restaurant at 1pm on a Tuesday and you fit right in with the general age group AND your hair color matches everyone else's. (Tuesday is meatloaf special)..The food is just fair but at least the menu is simple unlike all the new fangled rib and nacho joints..

Rest stops while driving are really governed by bladder control. It's best to try for the triple play stops - Food, Gas, Pee.

GPS is a great technology. I was wondering how the hell my father found Pennsylvania in 1957 without guidance. The voice commands are nice but sometimes you feel like you're listening to HAL in 2001 a Space Odyssey. You develop a relationship with that damn robo voice over the course of the trip. You feel guilty when you stray (for good reason at times) from its direction. RECALCULATING, RECALCULATING...

I learned when I lived in Arkansas that New York license plates basically say - Yankees in motion. Don't even think of doing 1 mph over the posted limit when south of the Mason Dixon line (an actual line). Some good time killing keeping an eye out for da PO-lice.

It's somewhat relaxing knowing you don't have to get back to a job at 9 am the next day..Maybe that's why everyone at Cracker Barrel was taking their time and taking advantage of free refills.

Why is it OK to eat french fries with every meal when you're traveling?? I don't even like those stupid things. They come with every meal. There should be a surgeon general's warning on the side of each serving "Sweat pants are required"...

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