Friday, September 3, 2010

Hello Deer

Not too many new time-killing activities to report. I am very used to being around the house more than ever so nothing is surprising or interesting. Today was a little different. I was out for a couple of hours and when I returned and pulled in the driveway I saw a number of deer in our back yard. This is nothing knew. It can be like Wild Kingdom around here at times. Unlike our first house on Long Island, there are critters aplenty around here. Long Island had squirrels and birds. If there ever was a deer we would have called 911.

So, as I got out of the car I walked into the yard. There were 5 of these creatures. It looked like a mother and 4 babies or fawns or whatever the hell they're called. The fawns have spots like in a Disney cartoon or in the movie "The Yearling. Those 4 fled as I entered the yard. I had no intent but they were eating my shrubs. The mother deer, however, held her ground. You know, like a deer stuck in the headlights. This had to be the biggest deer I've seen in the yard. It looked like one of those hunters' decoys. All it needed was a target on its side.

I figured the mother was protecting her clan (is that what you call a pack of deer?)..I walked toward the big mother and she never flinched OR showed a sign of moving. Now I am thinking I have no seniority here. This could be a crazed animal with distemper and I will be filmed being attacked and go viral on You Tube (I had my phone/camera at the ready).. I never got this close before and I am wondering what gives? I kept getting closer and I was getting creeped out. The baby deer were frolicking in the woods. I made a few sudden spastic gestures and this animal still didn't budge. I was about 12 feet away and gave up. As I turned away to go back to the driveway I wondered if I will be blind sided. I made it back OK....The damn deer was still holding its ground. She showed me I guess.

When I got into the house I turned on the TV and it was wall-to-wall coverage of Hurricane Earl. I was flipping channels and one of the more obscure reports was saying that your pets or animals may behave oddly when a storm like this approaches.. Mmmmmmmmm, does that include those white-tailed demons??

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