Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Goodbye 4 o'clock Charlie!!

Once again my Time Killing is surrounded by my home being a job site. This time it's a team of landscaper/stonewall builders. We are having our walkway, patio and shed area fixed up. It's hot as hell and the men are working like dogs..I brought them some nice ice water and solo cups - a treat.

They started their project with our shed which is now edged with some very nice stone work - far beyond what I thought we were getting. I've left them alone since I can be of no help except being a water boy. I do peek out the window now and then (every 8 minutes) to see the progress. I did see something interesting as they started to whack the pieces of stone and jam them into place. While I was watching I saw our resident chunky rodent (ground hog/hedgehog) poke his head from underneath the shed. THIS is his home for years. Years ago we named him 4 o' clock Charlie since that was about the time (pm) he'd enter the grassy area of our yard to forage for food. I guess he wasn't sure if he was nocturnal.

At this sighting, 4 o'clock scampered into the woods. I don't think the workers noticed. OR maybe they're so jaded they just ignored it. I'm not going to ask. Hey, speaking of scampering into the woods, not one of these guys have used our bathroom. They've been here 7 hours so far. Heads up 4 o'clock .

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