Monday, December 17, 2012

Time Killer Redux

So I was going to start up again.. here goes..

We left the Northeast right after hurricane Irene..and since then there's been some other storms and a monumental hurricane and now an insane mass killing of little kids..I've seen and read a lot of opinions. As a matter of fact, I've seen too much. It's hard to avoid.. I knew this was super serious when the Today Show had their regular weekday reporters on duty on Saturday. I guess Matt Lauer got time and a half. CNN was running constant reports..It was the Wolf Blitzer show or as Jimmy Fallon once nicknamed him " Howitzer Blow-up Guy"..

I have rewritten part of my screen play. I learned a lot about this process. I wasn't ready for how tricky it is to sell these things.. The writing was easy compared to the process of getting the right person to read it.. I do have a decent agency helping me..They recommended all their clients attend a pitch meeting in Beverly Hills.. I was skeptical as the fee was steep and IF I went I wasn't sure I had the sales skills..I felt very much like George Costanza pitching a story about nothing, however, this WAS about something but I needed to make it timeless..

I'm a big movie fan and go at least once a week (including rentals). I have found that I pay close attention to the credits. Amazing (I hate that word) how many people it takes to get a film off the ground.. Awesome (hate that word too)...

Heading off to Florida this week..Sunscreen for the holidays....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Where am I??

Whoa, it's been about 18 months since I last made an entry.. I re-read most of them today.. I have to say I found them entertaining but that's just me..I will considering starting up again.. I need to get going on a new screen play.. My "Time Killer" script has had some bites but nothing solid.. I learned how hard it is to sell something like this.. Much easier writing than selling...back soon, maybe..

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Has it been a year???

Yes, last Time Killer entry was March, 2011...That's 13 months so I guess it's time to continue...Stay tuned...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bird Brain

It has been a while since I commented here.. I am still Killing Time in the most entertaining and productive ways. My screenplay has been complete and out in the market place for about 4 months. Writing was more familiar to me than selling. It's all new to me and I am tracking the screenwriting contests I've entered and the industry magazines and newsletters which promote the product. I guess the trick is getting somebody to read it and love it - how could they not?

I am now working on a second project. It's another screenplay and I figured I better keep busy before I forget how to use my screenwriting software. The outline is almost done. It's another dramedy. I like that term.. I had dedicated today to really get a good head start on this. It's almost April. It's still winterish. The snow has melted and I'm almost 60. And, I am distracted!!!

For the past few years in the spring we have had an idiotic robin flying into our kitchen window over and over and over and over and over. The dumb ass thinks its reflection is another robin and it is either attacking OR trying to mate. There are many explanations on the internet. Internet has everything doesn't it? I've got a fake owl out there which I thought would work with its scary spinning head. I guess not. I've tried a number of cures and I thought about buying a BB gun. (talk about a mid-life crisis).. I doubt I could do that. My vision blows and I probably would crack our window after missing the bird. Years ago my 85 year old neighbor shot a raccoon who was molesting his garbage cans. I was very impressed and there have been no raccoons in this neighborhood for years. Could I follow in his footsteps?

The internet provided a less violent solution which seems to work (so far)...I smeared the target window with ammonia...Smelly, icky ammonia is on the window which apparently repels the villain.. So I have a messy window but no bird crashing and bird shit to deal with. I'm happy with that solution. Speaking of solutions like raccoon murder, fake owls, etc., I remember my dad had a bird problem in our family home on Long Island. They were nesting in the gutters and as is family tradition we hate getting on ladders. I was elected to get on the roof and apply my dad's anti-bird solution. It was a product called "Bird Tanglefoot"... It was a gooey substance which goofed up the birds' wings and feet after they were exposed. When I was directed to check the area a week later I found no birds (no dead birds) so perhaps they got the message..

So now I can continue with that new screenplay - "The Nest Egg"...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winter 2011

It's been a few months since I last had an entry.. I think it was because there is nothing new in the world of Time Killing..This winter has just sucked. Winters seem to suck more as you get older. When it snowed years ago it was a bizarre highlight as schools closed and the world was your playground. The challenge now is to get to the end of the driveway without breaking your elbow..I found myself walking like Arte Johnson's old man character on TV's Laugh In (there's an obscure reference)..

I justify staying home now because gas is heading for $5/gallon. Got a home heating oil delivery today...That is close to $4/gallon. I guess the instability in the Middle East is a major factor. I can remember while stationed in that part of the world I could fill up the gas tank in my Datsun rental car for under $2 - for the WHOLE tank.. I'm pretty sure that's accurate..Memories of those times in Bahrain have come to the forefront. Last year my wife and mother in law took a trip back there and had a great time..It always seemed to me like a peaceful, serene culture so this year's headlines were surprising (to me) but I guess these were underlying issues that had to surface..

Trying to get a new screen play started as my current script is getting some attention but I am learning this is a sluggish process. And we are close to putting our house up for sale and ready to head south...That should eat up some time! Change is good as somebody in this family has stated.. I agree but lifting furniture blows...

Friday, December 10, 2010

TV or not TV

The winter is here and the chance for cabin fever grows for most.. Well, not so much for me as I hope to have enough writing projects to kill time productively. So far it's slow and the artificial holiday happiness is upon us. The lady who sold me stamps this morning treated me like I was her long-lost son. It just felt fake..It evened out as I went to the local A&P and the cashier was harsh and grumpy. At least it was honest but I think I felt better buying from the stamp lady.

So what I've tried to do is avoid the TV during these idle times. I don't watch TV news for many reasons I've already mentioned in prior posts - it's mainly the fake laughter usually betwixt the weather man/woman and sportscasters..Just watch any part of the Today show when they're out on the Plaza. The semi-newsy shows - talk shows - like the View are very difficult because they all talk at the same time UNLESS Baba Wawa is on the panel. She's like the principal monitoring the teacher. She has a lot of pull as she's been doing this since the invention of broadcasting and the others fear her. I think they'd even admit that..

There are lots of other talk shows, food shows, reality shows & re-runs.. I have to admit I like some of the old sitcoms - MASH, All in the Family, Raymond, Seinfeld. There are some new shows I like (not many).. I think the Office is great and makes me think of my 30 years in that wacky environment. Modern Family is pretty damn good too. I've been watching some old movies and remembering my parent's comments about those 40s era Busbey Berkely flicks..

There is one mystery show for me. 30 Rock is very popular and I must be one of the few people who don't like it.. There are many reasons but I am always surprised as I do try and watch it now and then. I think I am fairly hip (maybe NOT), but I just don't get that damn show.. Tracey Morgan is funny??? Tina Fey is funny?? Maybe she was funny on SNL. I like Alec Baldwin. His father was my 10th grade history teacher and at that time he (Mr Baldwin) looked a lot like Alec does now. Most people I know like this show so perhaps it IS me. I find the show is like an inside joke that I don't get. I don't like that feeling. Oh wait --- Operation Petticoat is on Turner Classic Movies. Gotta go..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Go Chiefs?

In the spirit of time killing, I have to disclose my options for today. I had some writing to do. I have the Beatles re-mastered complete box set (on loan) to listen to OR copy onto my HD. I can go to the gym and work off the 43 cookies I've eaten the last 3 days. I can do a couple of loads of laundry which requires almost no energy. Wait, the TV is on but as usual there's nothing watchable or interesting so I flip around. Cable now has everything including local sports channels. I've watched our local high school's football games which wasn't too bad.

I stopped on this local channel today to find MY high school alma mater - Massapequa - in a girl's volleyball contest with arch-rival (their words, not mine) Lindenhurst. I figured I'd watch for 3 minutes and turn off the TV and head for something more entertaining...Well, I stayed with it watching these kids diving and smashing all over the place. I can barely remember ever playing this sport but I do know I screwed up a finger playing which put a crimp in my guitar playing for months.

The venue was CW Post college and there was a substantial crowd watching. Forty years ago I attended a bunch of our football games which had a large crowd. I had a friend who played on the team and also had another friend who was in the band - we rooted for both - especially the band when they spelled out tributes. There wasn't enough members so they usually just spelled out initials...Yeah, Yeah - RJL Raymond J Lockhart!

This volleyball crowd was intense, loud and large. Lots of Indian headdresses and war painted teen-age boys..Did I mention they were the chiefs? I guess there's been no protests. It's not like they were doing the Atlanta Braves' Tomahawk chop. But wait, they do seem to be doing war chants as Massapequa tied the 2nd game...Oy, they lost..

Time to go to the gym ... I need to get back by 2 pm as I see there's a field hockey playoff versus the Carl Place Frogs!!! (Frogs?? I gotta see that sticky-tongue crowd)